SnapilyPro Lenticular Guidelines for 3D & Flip printing

Guidelines for using the Photoshop PSD file for 3D Effect:

  • Upload a layered Photoshop PSD file
  • Layers should be ordered in the file according to their depth ordering
  • If your PSD contains layers with text, they should be located close to zero plane to avoid blurriness
  • No need to use resolution higher than 200 DPI
  • In addition to the product size, we need bleed margin of and additional margins of on the left and right sides. To see the values, please select a lens type
  • It is recommended to upload a ZIP-/RAR-compressed PSD file
  • We recommend avoiding texts/logos and borders within 1/4" from the crop margins
  • Photoshop PSD should have bare layers:
    • Blending mode should be Normal
    • Flatten all layer effects (File->Scripts-> Flatten all layer effects)
    • Flatten all Masks (File->Scripts-> Flatten all Mask)
    • Rasterize all Vector/Text Layers
    • Rasterize all Smart layers
    • Opacity of layers should be 100%
    • Remove all Groups
    • Layer names should contain only English letters and numbers
    • Merge all Adjustment Layers
    • Convert Color mode to Adobe RGB 8-bit
    • Remove/Merge all Alpha channels
    • Save in Max compatibility
  • For large quantity jobs we recommend first printing one copy as a proof


Guidelines for using the Interlaced Photoshop CS4 files:

  • Upload a 3D interlaced file of Adobe Photoshop CS4
  • All layers should be flattened (Layers>flatten image)
  • Required file resolution:
    • for 100 lpi: minimum - 400 dpi; optimal - 800 dpi
    • for 40 lpi: minimum - 400 dpi; optimal - 720 dpi
  • Make sure you follow the file preparation guideline
  • Do not move layers after converting them to 3D
  • Make sure file is prepared for designated lens pitch (LPI)
  • A 0.08" bleed is added to the net job size in 100 lpi
  • A 0.1" bleed is added to the net job size in 40 lpi
  • For large quantity jobs we recommend first printing one copy as a proof
  • We recommend avoiding texts/logos and borders within 1/4" from the crop margins


Guidelines for using the Flip effect:

  • Upload 2 JPG or Tiff files
  • We recommend uploading images with identical sizes
  • In case of mismatch we fit your images to the designated size
  • Bleed is added to the net job size according to selected lens type
  • Required file resolution:
    • for 100 lpi: above 150 dpi
    • for 40 lpi: above 150 dpi
  • It is recommended to avoid using dark image or text against light solid image or background
  • For large quantity jobs we recommend first printing one copy as a proof
  • We recommend avoiding texts/logos and borders within 1/4" from the crop margins


Guidelines for using the HumanEyes Creative3D Ldoc File:

  • Upload an archived (with ZIP or RAR) Ldoc file
  • Set depth according to recommended depth (for 3D) of the designated lens
  • Adding a bleed is required:
    • for 100 lpi: 0.08"
    • for 40 lpi: 0.1"
  • For large quantity jobs we recommend first printing one copy as a proof
  • We recommend avoiding texts/logos and borders within 1/4" from the crop margins


Guidelines for using the 3D Image Sequence:

  • Upload a ZIP or RAR archive with image sequence
  • For a 100 LPI lens, the optimal number of views is 8 (minimum 4 views)
  • For a 40 LPI lens, the optimal number of views is 18 (minimum 10 views)
  • Ensure that images are named according to their sort order in the sequence
  • It is required to upload images with identical sizes
  • A 0.08" bleed is added to the net job size in 100 lpi
  • A 0.1" bleed is added to the net job size in 40 lpi
  • Required file resolution:
    • for 100 lpi: minimum - 150 dpi; optimal - 300 dpi
    • for 40 lpi: minimum - 200 dpi; optimal - 300 dpi
  • For large quantity jobs we recommend first printing one copy as a proof
  • We recommend avoiding texts/logos and borders within 1/4" from the crop margins
  • When views are played, objects at front should move from left to right